Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

US Studies 1/19/18

Create a "Facebook" page for either George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison.

Download the template HERE

Directions to Download the Facebook Template.
1.  Clicke "HERE"
2. Close the pop-up (click X)
3.  Click Download
4.  Select Direct Download
5.  Select Save
6.  Select Open

Civics Assignment 1/11/18

As you take this poll  , write down the topics.  After you finish the poll, rank the topics in order of importance to you.

Make sure to note on your paper who was the candidate that you sided with.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Civics Assignment

You need to select four of the online surveys listed below and complete them. Afterwards, on paper summarize what these four surveys and the two on paper said about your political ideology and do you agree or disagree?  Do you think any had a bias and if so which ones? We will do the two on paper on Wednesday in class.  Today you are to take four of the ones listed below and summarize.  

1. Political Party Quiz- Answer just a few questions and see where you on the ideological spectrum and how different demographics fit into that spectrum

2.  The Nolan Chart - Answer ten, rather detailed questions and find out where you are on an ideological chart.

3.  How liberal or conservative are you?

4.  The Pew Research Center - Find out where you fit in on their typology scale.

5.  The Political Compass- Find out where you belong on the conservative/liberal and authoritarian/libertarian spectrum

6.  The World's Smallest Political Quiz - Ten questions and you're done. This is a libertarian site.